Thursday 31 October 2013

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween:
This Friday, November 1st, the Parent's Association will be putting on a Halloween event at MKIS for the students to go trick-or-treating through the hallways. All students are invited to come to school in the evening, wearing their Halloween costumes for a chance to show off their costumes and get some treats! In order to prepare for this special event, parents will be decorating the Grade 4 hallway on Friday afternoon. Savitree and Susan will be coming in around12 noon to start decorating, and they would love some help with this, if anyone else is available!  If you are not available to help with the set-up, you may want to consider helping with taking the decorations down, as that needs to be done on Friday evening, after the festivities. As of right now, it is only Savitree and her husband Dietmar, so again, any help would be greatly appreciated!

Field Trip:
As you are aware, we have a field trip coming up on November 8th. Currently, I have 2 mom's volunteering to help out on that day. It would be great if we had 2 more so that we could have small groups to move around the museum that day. Please email me to let me know that you are interested in helping out that day.

IXL for Language Arts:
I have signed the class up for a ONE MONTH FREE TRIAL of IXL for Language Arts. Their log-in is the same as usual for IXL. They just need to click on the Language Arts tab once they are logged in. They can try ANY of the skills. The opportunity to try the skills will be over on November 27th, as that is when our free month trial is over. It would be great if students are able to spend some time this month trying the various skills.

Book Reports:
Students were given information about upcoming book reports. The report should be done on a book that they have read and completed in Grade 4. They need to do 2 parts. Part 1 is 3 paragraphs about the book (a short summary, their favorite part and details about the character, and their overall opinion and rating on the book). Part 2 is a presentation to the class. Students should create some sort of visual for this part. They were given a page of ideas. The only need to do ONE visual project. It is advised that they practice their presentation at home before getting up in front of the class! They will be asked to complete 1 book report each term.

Monday 28 October 2013

Greetings, and Welcome back.

I trust that everyone had a relaxing break. 4B Students seemed excited to be back to school. We eased our way back into routine today, but we should be back in full gear tomorrow. 

Today, we welcomed Julius Robberechts to 4B and MKIS. He was most recently living in Abu Dhabi but is excited to be joining us here at MKIS. He fit right in with us, and played basketball with some of the boys during recesses. Welcome, Julius and family to Mont Kiara!

A letter went home today regarding our upcoming class field trip. Please read over the form with your child. When you are ready, please sign it and return it with the 17RM needed for the day. Students will need to buy a lunch at the food court that day, as they cannot take bags into the museum, and there is not really a place to store their bags while they are inside. Students will be reminded to make healthy. reasonable choices for their lunch. I will take out the necessary money for the entrance fee and return the rest of the money to them, to buy their lunch. The reason we collect the money for lunch ahead of time is to make sure that everyone will actually have money with them on the day of the trip. We are also looking for 4 parent-volunteers. If you are interested and available, please email me and I can organize the groups for the day. You could likely ride on the bus, or meet us at the Petronas Towers-whichever is easiest for you on that day.  Thank you in advance!

Also, if you have not yet had a chance, please take some time to look at the 4B Photos page to see what we have been up to so far this year!
Project Cambodia is raising awareness and funds for street children in Cambodia this week.
Wednesday and Thursday: Project Cambodia will be collecting children's clothes, old school bags, pens and pencils.  Items brought in can be placed in the wooden boxes in the breezeway. Friday: Alternate Dress day. Students should bring RM5 and wear red and blue. (They can always bring in additional money for donations. 5RM is the minimum)
ES Art: Parents are encouraged to view the Art Blog this month. Ms. Lucas has posted a new monthly entry.  

Thursday 10 October 2013

One more event to mention... UN Day

UN Day:
Our Elementary School children will soon be celebrating United Nations Day! This is a great opportunity for the students to share their culture with their schoolmates. Parents are invited to join the event, as well.

Date: Oct 18, 2013 (Friday)
Time: 8:40am to 10:00am
Venue: School Gymnasium
Attire: Country colors or traditional outfits

Students may wear their traditional attire or country colors for the entire day.

Updates from around the school...

MCF Week is coming to an end on Friday. Student will be participating in a skip-a-thon Friday morning in the gym. They are reminded to wear appropriate shoes, and come dressed in yellow to show their support. Donations and their yellow pledge forms are due on Friday as well.

Salva Dut Visits:
Students have been excited about the assembly with Salva Dut, but they are also very much anticipating the classroom session to be held with him on Monday, October 14th. As excitement increases over Salva's classroom visits, it is important that we keep the focus on student learning. With that in mind we are implementing the following guidelines as a school wide approach:
  • Unfortunately, parents are not allowed to come to classrooms during Salva's visit.  This is a time for students to work with Salva and show him how they have "answered his challenge" and since we only have 15 minutes to meet with him, we need to stick closely to the task at hand.
  • Students can not ask for his autograph.  This is a time consuming request and does not advance student learning.  However, students will be receiving a memento from Salva's visit which they can have transformed into a book mark, or possibly taped to their water bottles.   
  • Students can not bring cameras to take Salva's picture on Monday.  I will be taking pictures, and I will place them on our class blog for you all to see.
It is important that all of us follow these guidelines to ensure uniformity and perceived fairness from students and teachers. Thank you for making Salva's visit a meaningful learning experience, and understanding the need for this structure!

Important Aspen Update
Firstly, I would like to thank all of the families who visited their family portal and came to the Elementary School Office to update their information. In our efforts to ensure that we have accurate and up-to-date contact and health information on all our students you received an envelope on Friday, October 11th. This will be distributed to the youngest and/or only children in each family and will contain a green record sheet of the information that we currently have on each of your child/children enrolled in grade KP to 12. Please verify or correct the a) Contact; b) Health; c) Nationality information. This is a second tier attempt to ensure accuracy as we are continuing to encounter difficulties when gathering and using information from our Student Information System (Aspen). We ask that you read over what we have, check Aspen to ensure the health information is correct and make any corrections directly on the form. These will be returned to the Home Room Teacher of your youngest/only child. If the information on these forms is accurate we ask that you still return the form with your signature to indicate this. We have provided an envelope to provide privacy for Health information.

This information is very important to us. It is challenging to keep it current as people often make changes to their hand phones, residence and e-mail address. Therefore we have now put into our practice at the school that this paper update will take place two times over the course of each academic year. Thank you for your cooperation in this.

October 16 is World Food Day!
It has always been an MKIS tradition to support this cause. We would like generous donations from you. These donations will benefit a few charity homes in Kuala Lumpur.
Please donate these food items:
1. Canned food (check their expiration date, please)
2. Milo/Horlicks/condensed milk
3. Instant noodles
4. Cereal
5. Biscuits/crackers
6. Rice
7. Grains
Collection of donated items will be from Wednesday, October 16 to Friday, October 18, 2013.
Please leave these donations at the main breezeway.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Special Guest Salva Dut

 Well, after all of our efforts in preparing for our guest, Mr. Salva Dut, we finally got to hear him speak! Students assembled in the auditorium this morning to hear Salva speak about his struggles growing up. He spoke with the students about the importance of goal-setting and encouraged them to set some of their own goals to help push them further in life. He also spoke with them about his program, Water for South Sudan, and how the organization brings clean water to communities around South Sudan. He shared pictures of the process and had students think about the difficulties that many people living in South Sudan face regarding water, and what having clean water can do for a community. We look forward to Monday, when he will be coming in to our classroom for 15 minutes to meet with the students in a more intimate setting. I am sure that the students will have many questions for him, and they are eager to share their thoughts with him as well.

Below are images of the  4th Grade bulletin boards which display efforts from the students as they prepared for Salva's visit.  Students met with each 4th Grade teacher to explore different areas about Salva Dut's story. All lessons were connected to what students have already been studying in class, and this, along with hearing Salva's story and meeting him, have made these lessons quite meaningful for the students.